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Install Wifidog On Windows

카테고리 없음

by terrefitzper1981 2020. 3. 3. 18:20


Wifidog Portal installation Work in progress. More to come: informations, details, tips, debug, screenshots, allouette! The term Auth-server and portal are used in this guide and mean the same thing. Requirements PHP5. A working web server with PHP5.


Apache httpd server is recommended. Using a virtual host is also a good idea. Needed Extentions: pgsql, dom and mbstring. Optional Extentions: xml, gettext, mcrypt, mhash and xmlrpc. PEAR Extentions: radius, AuthRADIUS and CryptCHAP. Additional PHP library: Smarty, MagpieRSS and Phlickr It is highly recommended to install optional extentions to activate all features of the portal. If you are not sure which extentions are installed, install.php will detect all of them and display usefull informations to help you.

The additional PHP library will be automatiqualy downloaded and installed by install.php (if you want them). Important Note: The auth server needs more than the default 8Mb of memory that PHP usually assigns. You need to increase this value to 32 or 64 Mb in php.ini. If you don't, install may be successfull, but you'll run into out of memory issues later. PostgreSQL A properly configure PostgreSQL server. The install.php script does not apply any special security methods to the Posgresql database server.

It is the system administrator's job to grant the right permissions databases access. Quick Install. Retreive Wifidog Auth-Server sources from CVS (see ).

In your favorite web browser open and follow instructions to the end. Set language in config.php. Log in as admin and fill network information, create hotspots and content. Download the sources Please go the page and follow instructions to retreive the portal sources.

Install.php Introduction Also install.php is not doing all it might do to help an easy installation (missing language and radius configuration). But it will quickly give you a working portal and you will be able to login as an administrator and customize your network, hotspot, content, users, etc. Firstly, you need to open install.php in your browser. If you try another portal page and the auth-server was not previously configured, your browser will be redirected automaticaly to install.php (detected by smarty missing files).

Follow the instructions on the page to create the wifidog user and database. The command use are at the command line. You can use another way to do this (like ) The first time you open install.php, the script will generate a random password in the file /tmp/dogcookie.txt. This is only a small security control to disallow remote user to do bad things with fresh auth-server install.

The file will will only be the random password, no username are needed. Version TODO text Permission This page detect missing files or missing write permissions.

It will give you tips by generating command line to execute to solve these issue (mkdir and chmod command). The command are only generated to help the user and are not the only issue to solve permissions errors. The navigation buttons (Back and Next) will be available only if the permissions are ok.

Hit the Refresh button to update the page status after you did your changes. Smarty Smarty is needed by the auth-server, you are not allowed to skip this installation. Click Next MagpieRSS Depending on your needs, MagpieRSS can be installed or not. It's recommended to install it to activate all features of the portal. Phlickr Depending on your needs, Phlickr can be installed or not. It's recommended to install it to activate all features of the portal. Database access A common database error that 'hangs' the install.php script is covered at the following link: (near the bottom) TODO: screenshot + text.

Fill in informations. Test connection Database initialisation TODO: screenshot + text. Create DB schema. Fill in initial DB data. Upgrade schema if needed Options TODO: screenshot + text Admin account TODO: screenshot + text By clicking Next you will be redirected to your Wifidog portal page. Debugging.

Install Wifidog On Windows 7

Direct page access (Table of content):. PhpInfo: Cleanup Cleanup needs to be run to 'log out' users that haven't otherwise logged out: either set CONFUSECRONFORDBCLEANUP to false in your config.php, or put this one line script in /etc/cron.hourly cd && su apache -c 'php -f cron/cleanup.php' or, in crontab 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55. cd && su apache -c 'php -f cron/cleanup.php' /dev/null 2&1 or, depending on your cron. 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55. apache cd && php -f cron/cleanup.php /dev/null 2&1 you may have to edit this line in cron/cleanup.php from requireonce('./include/common.php'); (that errors for me) to requireonce(dirname(FILE).'

/./include/common.php'); door number one is definitely the easier one, but i don't like it that every user query that comes in runs cleanup. The redirect to dev null is cause cleanup.php moans about $SERVER not being set, and you'll get an email from cron every 5 minutes about that. Node down time reporting This is optional. If you want to enable this fonctionnality you need to call it in a crontab, this way:./1. (cd /var/www/wifidog-auth-prod/wifidog/cron/; /usr/local/bin/php -Cq./page.php 2/dev/null) That's calling it every minute. I'm sure we could put the path to the interpreter (/usr/local/bin/php -Cq) at the top of page.php and make it executable for better clarity, and also skip the 'cd' (to fix that, we'd need to chdir into the directory to the script at the top of the program), but such is life, we use it like that for now:) In case you don't know what it does, it'll email the technical officers after 5,10,15,etc. Minutes of downtime.

The values at which it'll email are unfortunately hardcoded in the script. TODO Information to Add on:. Installation debugging (install.php). Postgresql access configuration. Google Map.

DB backup. DB optimization. PHP tuning?.

Auth-server Admin quick configuration (Network name, support email, etc). PHP config file (php.ini) recommended settings.

Contents. Gateway The WiFiDog gateway is written in with no dependencies beyond the. This structure enables it to be embedded in devices such as the router running, or or most PCs running. Linux Journal reports that a working gateway install can be packaged in less than 15kB on an i386 platform. Authentication server The WiFiDog is a and or server based solution written to authenticate clients in a environment. WiFiDog Auth provides portal specific content management, allows users to create wireless internet access accounts using email access, provides gateway uptime statistics and connection specific and user log statistics.
