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Akashic Brotherhood Pdf

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by terrefitzper1981 2020. 3. 6. 01:20


How do series work?To create a series or add a work to it, go to a 'work' page. The 'Common Knowledge' section now includes a 'Series' field. Enter the name of the series to add the book to it.Works can belong to more than one series. In some cases, as with, disagreements about order necessitate the creation of.Tip: If the series has an order, add a number or other descriptor in parenthesis after the series title (eg., 'Chronicles of Prydain (book 1)'). By default, it sorts by the number, or alphabetically if there is no number.

If you want to force a particular order, use the character to divide the number and the descriptor. So, '(0 prequel)' sorts by 0 under the label 'prequel.' What isn't a series?Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such (see ). Like many concepts in the book world, 'series' is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations, on the part of the author or publisher.

For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere 'lists' of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification (eg., avoid lumping Jane Austen with her continuators).Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the 'works' in question. So, the Dummies guides are a series of works. But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works.

Akashic BrotherhoodParadigm Summary: Akashic BrotherhoodParadigm Basics: Do is the way and the way is Do. Akashics work theirart by unifying mind, body, and soul.

When one is in complete harmony withoneself the flow of chi can accomplish anything.The Brotherhood places great importance on a fact taken for granted by manyother mages: that chi, or quintessence, is native to the living body. Accordingto the Hermetics, a person's pattern holds free quintessence which can beused for magick, but that is about as far as many care to take the idea.For the Akashics, this fact is all important. Chi does not rest, placidly,in the pattern of mind, body, and soul, but flows freely throughout. A trainedindividual can direct this flow into surprising feats.To this end, most Akashics practice active and reflective techniques.

Theprimary repository for teachings on how to accomplish this is Do. Do, asan active martial art, enables the student to perform maneuvers to agitatethe chi and enable it to be unleashed towards dynamic effects. Do, as a styleof reflective meditation, enables the student to relax the chi and allowits calmed essence to flow into constructive, renewing pursuits. Some membersof the tradition use similar but Western styles as opposed to the more commonEastern techniques, but all follow the active/reflective division.In actual practice, an Akashic learns styles of motion, emotion, and thoughtwhich unify to channel chi in the appropriate way. For example, a death-dealingstrike might involve leaping out of a Fivefold Wolf stance into a turningroundhouse while visualizing the opponent's demise and feeling a brief flashof sorrow. Such activities properly prime and direct the chi, such that whenit is released in the strike it is aspected to perform the task required.As a student increases in enlightenment her body, mind, and soul grow closerin alignment such that each act of magick is no more complicated than anyother action.Much of the tradition's teachings focus on following one's own path by intuitionand wisdom. As such, unawakened students find it very hard to progress farin the understanding and integration of the paradigm.


They can mimic otherBrothers, and even sometimes achieve a lucky break in understanding, butnever truly achieve the same levels of unity. However, this limitation hasmade the tradition stronger.

Hedge wizards of the Tradition have long soughtout rituals and writings of other unenlightened orders. While unable to directthe chi with a simple action, they nonetheless can invoke complex forms thatcan not only affect personal chi, but the flow of chi in the surroundingworld. As the hedge Akashics learn martial arts-based magick from theirenlightened brethren, so have awakened Akashics learned ritual magick fromtheir sorcerous counterparts.Paradigm Casting: As explained above, the process of casting usuallyinvolves an active or reflective unification of mind, body, and soul to producean effect. As such, simple effects and practiced, roted effects can be pulledoff immediately, while even more complicated effects typically only takea few more seconds of concentration and martial forms.Rituals typically take the form of chanting and purification rites. Theserites can take hours or days, but have an advantage over other Traditionsin that Akashic rites can go on for days.Paradigm Benefits: Amongst the Traditions the Akashics are theunquestioned masters of combat, meditation, and acrobatics. This is due tothe benefits of following the Way. Do is not a martial art in and of itself,but an enlightened way of understanding the root principles of all martialarts.In game system terms, Akashics can use Do to make actions easier and thusmore effective.

Rolls of Brawl, Melee, and Meditation as well as appropriateuses of Acrobatics, Firearms, and Dodge can have their difficulty reducedby spending Quintessence much like when creating magickal effects. The charactercan spend Quintessence up to her Arete rating per roll in such a way, butis still limited by her Avatar's rate of channeling per turn.

This allowsthe character to pull off truly stunning feats of prowess completely withoutactual magick being used.Since Do is so closely tied to magick, it enables the character to add magickto physical force. Much as other casters would make a reflexivePerception+Alertness roll to place a fireball, for example, an Akashic canmake a reflexive attack roll to place an effect. This means that, essentially,an Akashic can cast an effect on a target and physically hurt that targetin the same attack without taking multiple action penalties. The magick becomesintricately linked with the attack.Finally, in the modern world much of the Akashic Brotherhood's less showyeffects are coincidental. Following a very successful campaign of marketingmartial arts movies in the Eastern and Western worlds many individuals acceptthat master martial artists can bend the laws of physics.

Thus, in most areasof the present day, using spheres to perform 'impossible' actions iscoincidental. This includes things like shattering objects with a punch,bounding up walls, and other such stunts. This does not include throwingfireballs, running on bamboo, or other such activities that the common viewerclearly realizes requires special effects and wire-fu.Paradigm Limits: The major limit of the Akashic paradigm is its relianceon action. Without rituals an Akashic is unable to do truly large scale orlong range attacks. Further, the unification of mind, body, and soul meansthat if an Akashic is physically, mentally, or emotionally handicapped thenmagick is harder to perform.

Akashic Brotherhood Pdf Free

This could involve physical wound and restraints,mind control or recurring flashbacks, or simply being overcome with the wrongemotion.Another factor of the paradigm that is a problem for some is the rejectionof materialism that the paradigm requires. Brothers who enjoy the finer thingsin life tend to find their growth slowed in the Tradition and in enlightenmentwhile they are still dependent on material things. Some Akashics manage toown things without being dependent on them, but there is still a Tradition-widebias against those that have many material possessions.Finally, the Akashic paradigm is largely one of personal development. Teacherscan demonstrate how effects should work and can outline the philosophiesof the paradigm. However, it is up to each individual student to incorporatethis meaning into herself. This tends to slow growth for many, as mentorscan only give advice, not set easily followed goals.